Effectiveness of Creighton Model
Whether you intend to achieve a pregnancy, avoid a pregnancy, or simply monitor your reproductive health, the Creighton Model™ is the most evidence-based and scientifically-researched method of natural family planning and fertility awareness available to women and couples.
The largest study done on the Creighton Model to measure efficacy in avoiding a pregnancy was published in the Journal of Reproductive Medicine and included over 1,800 couples from across the United States. When used according to instruction, the Creighton Model demonstrated a 99.5% effectiveness rate in avoiding a pregnancy. This is what is commonly referred to as a “Method Effectiveness” rate. When taking into account average use of the Creighton Model the effectiveness still remained quite high at 96.8%. This is what is commonly referred to as the “Use Effectiveness” rate.
While we never want to compare the Creighton Model to artificial forms of contraception such as the Birth Control Pill or Intrauterine Devices (IUDs) because these means of family planning are vastly different in practice to a holistic, life-affirming method like the Creighton Model, it is important to acknowledge that the Creighton Model is as effective, or in certain instances, more effective, than all forms of artificial contraception on the market today, without any of the potential side effects that come with artificial contraceptives.
For those who intend to use the Creighton Model to achieve a pregnancy, the method is also highly successful. For couples of normal fertility who time their intercourse based on the fertile days of their cycle, 76% of them will achieve a pregnancy in the very first cycle of charting. Ninety percent will achieve by the third cycle of charting, and 98% by the sixth cycle of charting. Practically speaking, if a couple has been charting with Creighton with the intention to achieve a pregnancy and have not conceived by the sixth cycle, they should seek out the guidance of a Creighton Model Medical Consultant for assessment.
The often-given advice to a couple to “try for a year” before seeking medical attention for a subfertility issue is unnecessary and goes against the evidence provided by the Creighton Model. If a couple is charting with Creighton and has not conceived by the sixth cycle, there is likely an underlying reason that needs to be assessed and treated. In other words, there is no need to wait an entire year to seek medical assessment and treatment.
For more information on the efficacy of the Creighton Model, visit this site.